Bruckner Topsy-Turvy

Name:  Bruckner Topsy-Turvy

Made by and When:  Albert Bruckner, circa 1901

Material:  Cloth

Marks: Bruckner Doll (tag on the back of bodice)

Height: 12 inches

Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Lithographed hair and facial features; the Black doll has a smile with teeth; the White doll’s lips are closed.

Clothes: Dressed identically in a blue and white shared gingham skirt, separate bodices for the separate torsos, and matching bonnets

Other: Topsy-Turvy dolls are also known as double-sided dolls because two dolls share the same torso with the head of one doll covered by the full-length, shared skirt. The dolls are legless. Flipping the doll to one side or the other exposes the hidden doll and hides the previously exposed doll.

Albert Bruckner Topsy-Turvy dolls are the most popular commercially produced versions that date back to the late-1800s. Bruckner applied for and received a patent for Topsy-Turvy dolls in 1901 after which “all Bruckner dolls were then stamped, “PAT’D JULY 8th 1901” on the lower right neck edge.” (

The following poem appeared in an Albert Bruckner’s Sons advertisement for a No. 2 “Tu-in-One” doll:

“Turn Me Up
Turn Me Back
First I’m White
Then I’m Black”

Gallery (Images and description courtesy of and Alderfer Auction.)

View another Topsy Turvy installation here.


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Published by DeeBeeGee

Doll collector, historian, co-founder of the first e-zine devoted to collecting black dolls; author of black-doll reference books, doll blogs, and doll magazine articles.

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