
Paradise Angel #4

Paradise Angel #4 is a wicker and raffia angel by Judy Bolden-Bain that commemorates the heroes and victims of September 11, 2001, during the terrorist attack of the World Trade Center. #angeldoll #angel #wickerdoll #wovendoll #judyboldenbain

Nikita Standing

Nikita Standing is a 33-inch vinyl artist doll by Jan McLean, who is now retired from doll making. #artistdoll #janmclean, #blackdoll

Dr. J. Super Pro #9025

Dr. J. Super Pro set #9025 by Shindana Toys, Inc., released in 1977, is a portrait doll of basketball great Julius Erving. #Dr.J. #Dr.Jdoll #Dr.Jactionfigure #ShindanaToys #portraitdoll


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The first and only virtual Black doll museum where culturally, historically, and/or aesthetically significant, antique, vintage, modern, and OOAK Black dolls are celebrated 24/7.

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