Miss-Revlon Type Fashion Doll

Name: Miss-Revlon-Type High-Heel Fashion Doll

Made by and When: Unknown, circa 1950

Material: Vinyl head and one-piece stuffed vinyl body

Marks: 24 (on the back of the neck)

Height: 20 inches

Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Black rooted bubble cut hairstyle, brown sleep eyes with molded upper eyelashes and painted lower eyelashes, closed mouth

Clothes: Redressed in a beautifully made sheer Dotted Swiss gown and a pink satin underdress, original white satin panties; original white vinyl ankle-strap, high-heel shoes; a pink satin purse has lace and a fabric rose on the front and a shoulder strap of faux pearls; wears faux pearl earrings and a pearl barrette adorns the front of the hair.

Other: This doll is one of many high-heel fashion dolls made during the 1950s and 1960s by Ideal Toy Corporation’s competitors who fashioned dolls similar to Ideal’s Miss Revlon (a doll manufactured only as a White doll). The competitors understood the assignment.



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Published by DeeBeeGee

Doll collector, historian, co-founder of the first e-zine devoted to collecting black dolls; author of black-doll reference books, doll blogs, and doll magazine articles.

2 thoughts on “Miss-Revlon Type Fashion Doll

  1. In the mid 1960’s, my sister and I got dolls for Christmas that were dressed in white, long lacy-look gowns, had blue ribbons across their chest, had a crown and a scepter. They were African-American beauty queen dolls. The face sculpt was similar to the doll in this article; the hair was styled in short, curly black coils. I have not been able to find any images or information on the doll my sister and I owned in the mid 1960’s.


  2. Hi Beverly,

    Your doll might have been by Deluxe Reading. That company made 30-inch dolls that were often sold in grocery stores dressed in cotillion-type lacy pastel gowns. One of their dolls that has been redressed is installed in this museum. View the installation at the following URL.

    Darling Debbie

    One example of a white version of a Deluxe Reading doll wearing the original lacy dress can be seen at the link below:


    I hope this helps!


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