Russian Nesting Dolls

Name: Authentic 5-piece Russian Nesting Dolls

Made by and When: Svetlana Lukina, 2019

Material: Wood

Marks: Svetlana Lukina 2019 (handwritten on the lower back base of the tallest doll)

Height: The tallest is 7 inches; the smallest is 2 inches.

Hair/Eyes/Mouth: Hand-painted facial features, clothing, and scenes on the back

Clothes: Hand painted Victorian-era clothing

Other: This one-of-a-kind set of five Matryoshka dolls is the artist’s first nesting doll set to feature brown-skinned Victorian-era children.

First-ever Russian nesting dolls of Black children by Svetlana Lukina
Authentic Russian nesting dolls by Svetlana Lukina, the backs are painted as shown above.


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Published by DeeBeeGee

Doll collector, historian, co-founder of the first e-zine devoted to collecting black dolls; author of black-doll reference books, doll blogs, and doll magazine articles.

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