
Name: Skye

Made by and When: Kenner, 1975

Material: Vinyl with spring-loaded arms and torso and bendy elbows, knees, and jointed wrists

Marks: (Head) 25 / ©1975 / GMFGI; (on the body) ©1974 G.M.F.G.I. Kenner PROD / Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 / MADE IN HONG KONG

Height: 11-1/2 inches

Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Black-rooted curly Afro, brown painted eyes with blue eyeshadow and painted eyelashes on the far upper corners of the eyes, open/closed mouth with painted teeth

Clothes: Pink swimsuit with a daisy above the left leg opening

Other: Skye by Kenner, 1975, is a “fashion-action” all-vinyl doll with spring-loaded arms and torso, bendy elbows and knees with jointed wrists. Skye and her counterpart, Dusty, are sports enthusiasts. Both dolls are shown on the back of Skye’s box which notes the availability of “an exciting line of beautiful fashion action sets.” Skye was on the market for 2 years only; the 1976 version did not have the spring-loaded arms and torso or jointed wrists. That version wore a yellow swimsuit. Both versions have flat feet. 


1975 Dusty and Skye Commercial


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Published by DeeBeeGee

Doll collector, historian, co-founder of the first e-zine devoted to collecting black dolls; author of black-doll reference books, doll blogs, and doll magazine articles.

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